DG Group creates partnership with BAU Special Solutions

DG Group creates a partnership with BAU Special Solutions

In a press release, the CEO João Mota of the DG Colombia Group, a Portuguese construction, and special installations company, with a strong international presence, announces the entry into the capital of BAU Special Solutions, a special works company. In this way, the two companies increase their portfolio of solutions in the Colombian market.

According to José Falcato Iglésias (CEO of Bau in Colombia), the entry of this strategic partnership allows the two companies to grow and add value in the Colombian market with waterproofing solutions, construction, and special installations, with a special focus on this country’s infrastructure.
The experience acquired over the last few years, the continuous reinforcement of the technical capacity of its employees, and the use of the best and most efficient materials and technologies for special works, make BAU Special Solutions one of the most specialized companies and at the forefront of the application of special solutions for the construction sector.


Treatment and structural reinforcement;
Injection of high mechanical strength materials;
Carbon Fibers (CFRO):
Resins based on Epoxy, polyurethane, methacrylate;
Crack sealing;
Anti-carbonation protection;
Polyurethane/epoxy/acrylic based resins;
Hydro-expansive resin or acrylic gel-based injections;
Injections of hydro-reactive resins in structures and large areas;
Continuous liquid waterproofing;
General waterproofing;
Integrated maintenance and services;
General cleanings.



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