DGPW S.A will modernize Lousã Secondary School

DGPW S.A will modernize Lousã Secondary School


DGPW S.A, a construction company of the DG Group, signed the contract for the modernization of the Lousã Secondary School, on the 3rd of November, in the Paços do Concelho building. This is a project that will have an investment of around € 2 900 000 and an execution period of 720 days, counting from the consignment date.


The Rehabilitation work of the Lousã Secondary School, consisting of 3 blocks, which here are designated as BLOCK A, BLOCK B, and BLOCK ADMIN. The project was developed taking into account the existing building and the constraints presented, more specifically the degraded state of the coatings, the replacement of window frames, the rehabilitation and adaptation of some spaces, among other necessary works, to improve the quality of the school’s experience.





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