Group DG / Atlantinível executes first second generation biorefinery

The DG / Atlantinível Group Consortium is responsible for the construction of the first 2nd Generation Biorefinery, in a mixed model in Europe. In a project prepared by Duplano, the construction of the new Bio Green Woods Industrial Unit (BGW SA), in the municipality of Alvaiázere, is a work of high importance for the region and for the country, with 8,000 m2 of construction in a space of 33.000m2 assuming, from the start, an innovative language completely integrated with nature.

The work has already started with deforestation, land movement and peripheral containment of the work and special foundations. The unit is equipped with 3 buildings, from the reception of raw material, the industrial production area and the storage of the finished product and the administrative building. The construction of this new plant will create 60 important direct jobs in the context of the region in which it operates. In a second phase, the production capacity will double, with the future expansion of the unit in the contiguous industrial zone.


Jorge Gonçalves, chairman of the DG Group’s Board of Directors, stresses the importance of this project for the country and the group. It is a unique project in the country that gives us a greater satisfaction and encouragement. It is a great pride to carry out this project that will be a pioneer in Europe, right from the start, in the design, integration, respect for the environment and sustainability. It will be a rewarding challenge for all of our teams and partners involved.

The Consortium will maintain an extremely strict contingency plan throughout the chain during the execution of this project, during the measures adopted in the context of COVID-19.

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